2-Hr Session
6-Month Plan in a PDF Roadmap
This is a 2Hr Workshop to resolve 7 key areas that together, expand your window of Clarity.
Your Subject Matter Expertise
Your Story
Your Solution
Your Audience
Your Value Proposition
Your 6-Month Path
Your next 4-Weeks
Your 6-Month Plan in PDF format
We can do this clinic in person at my offices in Dungarvan, Ireland, or virtually by zoom.

If we find that we are a good match in our Synergy Call, here's what happens next:
1. Schedule the Clinic, issue the Payment Link. This Clinic is offered on a sliding scale: €145 - €299. VAT is added for residents of Ireland only.
2. Intake Form to complete 2 days before our scheduled Workshop
3. An email reminding you of how best to prepare for this session will be shared with you.
4. A PDF of your 6-Month Plan will be issued within 2 business days of our Workshop.
Working with the Whole You:
As we move through the 3Hr Clinic, we can expect to meet 'parts' of you from a long forgotten past, active in your business today, likely outside of your awareness, that we will receive, and make room for as we go. These parts will be well understood, and a course of action for them will be resolved for you to reflect on and action, after the Clinic.