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Trauma-Informed Growth Coaching

If Your Situation is Chronic, The Solution is Found 

Somewhere in the Brain-Body-Mind-Business Approach To Growth

Neuroscience makes it impossible for us to continue to ignore the role of the brain-body in business. Actually, it suggests to bring it front & Center

The lingering effects of chronic stress from complex trauma can be touched and analysed similar to how a stroke leaves a lesion on the brain, but with the individual completely unaware of what's going on inside their human.


As neuro-technology advances what we can see, science advances what we can do.  And today, we can do a lot with the brain and body, to ensure it is front and center with mind and business. 

The Future will have us all Trauma-Informed as the sheer numbers of professionals struggling with the lingering effects of stress continues to rise.

Through a combination of psycho-education, physiological and psychological resources, and solid business growth acumen, we can transform our reality at work, life and play. 

If you are still struggling and still stuck in the areas of your work, you or your earnings, then chances are the solution to shift your situation simply requires we adjust our inputs from mind-business, to brain-body-mind-business.

The Good News Is That There Are Entire Industries

Working Together Right Now to Advance This Area.

The Results of Which Are Already Effective.

What can we Grow together? 

Honestly, what can't we do? 


If you’re (still) stuck and (still) struggling in the areas of your work, you or your earnings, then we can do a lot together. If we are a good match, we can shift your situation within 1 to 3 sessions, or we can transform reality as you know it in a few months. 

Why am I so confident?

For a few reasons.


1. After a lifetime invested in Mind-Business (only) Growth on 3 Continents for Tech and Enterprise, I am an absolute powerhouse in the areas of growth:  Business Growth, Professional Growth, Personal Growth and since 2018, Trauma-Informed Growth. Using a Brain-Body-Mind-Business approach changed more for me in the first 5 weeks of practice, than my combined efforts in the 5 years prior.

2. We start with a Free Consult to give both of us the space we need to ensure we are a good fit.


If we are, then chances are, I've met your situation 700x before and have a good idea where the best possible starting point is.  If we are not a good match, that will be established inside that initial free session. 

3. There is a money back guarantee. If the value isn't showing up inside our session, then that session is free.  No questions asked. I am that certain on the results we can achiever together.


Working with me looks like this:

Sales, Growth
& Money

We will sketch out the most effective path forward tied to healthy cashflow at minimal risk

Websites & 
Online Stores

Practical advice from 20yrs experience building, designing and monetising online presence

Content, Design
& Product Support

From Branding, Books, Training Content, Products, Services to that killer keynote. There's a lot here.


I have written, self illustrated and published 18 books to date. I have a lot of insights on how this works.

Nail The Strategy
Show Up and Sell

Strategy Paralysis is a thing. We can co-create your world-class Strategy and then get on with it.


Practical advice from 20yrs experience building, designing and monetising online presence

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Free Consult:

We start with a 45-minute free consultation to ensure we’re both a perfect match. A good match for me is that you are (still) stuck or (still) struggling with work, you or your earnings.


Intake Form: 

If we are a good match, then, you’ll be asked to complete an intake form to share with me in advance of our first session. 


1, 5 or 10 sessions - on a PAYG basis

The sessions may be best placed to do as-and-when, or on a schedule of 5 sessions over 5 weeks or 10 sessions in 1 month. 


We will have a better idea after that free consult. 

Where will we meet for our Sessions? 

My offices in Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, or online using video conferencing. 

How much? 

Pricing for Individual or Self-Employed Coaching can be found over here > 

It all starts with a

Free 45-Min Consult

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